Tag Archives: Ole Magnus Bakken

Men’s Air Rifle

What an interesting final! Shooters were constantly changing position after each final shot. Scores were tight in the top four and no-one could feel safe in their current place.

Winner was Alin George Moldovenau, Romania. He entered the final in second place after a qualification score of 599, same as Niccolo Campriani in first place. Directly on the first shot they changed places in the ranking list. Both Tao Wang and Gagan Narang started with good shots that brought them all up on the same score (give or take some tenths of a point). After this start they all kept changing places in the ranking list. Two 10.8 in shot six and seven brought Campriani up to the top, which he then lost in the ninth shot. The final shot was for Moldovenau, 10.3, and Campriani, 10.4, settled the final. Behind them had Tao Wang held on to the third place up to the seventh shot. A 9.2 dropped him down to forth place, where he then finished when Narang ended the final with a 10.3 and 10.7. Continue reading

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